Treating Pain and Discomfort with Cold Laser Therapy in Celebration

Cold laser therapy in Celebration provides an opportunity to address specific health concerns without using invasive treatments or tools. A Celebration chiropractor focuses on the underlying concerns and uses the laser treatment to help with long-term health goals. Recognizing the advantages of the treatment and the potential downsides can help you determine when to consider working with an Orlando chiropractor in our clinic.

What is Cold Laser Therapy?

Cold laser therapy refers to a non-invasive treatment used for specific musculoskeletal concerns. Since the laser uses a low frequency laser, it passes through your skin to help reduce inflammation or pain without cutting through body tissues. As a result, it does not cause physical discomfort and it helps alleviate discomfort from an injury, medical condition or inflammation at specific points in your body.

Benefits of Orlando Cold Laser Therapy

The advantages of Orlando cold laser therapy depend on your situation. As a natural and holistic treatment solutions, Celebration cold laser therapy allows you to address the symptoms of a condition without taking unnecessary risks with your health. It is non-invasive and does not require extensive time to heal after the treatment.

The conditions it may help include:

  • Arthritis pain
  • Muscle strains or torn muscles
  • Injuries to the ligaments or tendons
  • Broken bones
  • Nerve damage or injuries, including a pinched nerve
  • Healing after a surgery

A chiropractor in Orlando uses the treatment to encourage natural healing processes. It encourages your body to heal without using medication, surgery or other complex treatments that may cause discomfort and pain.

Potential Disadvantages of the Treatment

While it does have many positive benefits, a chiropractor in Celebration may recommend other treatments in certain situations. In most cases, it will take several treatments for the full effect. The number of treatments depend on the severity of your injuries. It may also cause short-term discomfort when treating old injuries because it encourages the healing process and it may cause some discomfort while the injuries start healing. Coverage from an insurance provider may vary and some providers do not cover Celebration cold laser therapy.

When to Consider Cold Laser Therapy Orlando

Cold laser therapy Orlando provides an opportunity to naturally heal your injuries. As a general rule, you want to consider the treatment if you have persistent and chronic pain or if you are injured in an accident. A chiropractor in Orlando may recommend the treatment for certain medical concerns or when you want a natural solution for pain management. We may also recommend the treatment to encourage your body to heal after a surgical procedure or after breaking a bone.

Call For a Cold Laser Therapy Appointment

Treating an injury with cold laser therapy allows you to address the underlying discomfort and cause of your pain. Depending on your situation, we may recommend the therapy as part of a treatment plan. To set up an appointment for cold laser therapy with Orlando Resorts Spine and Body in Celebration, Florida, call (407) 507-6976 today.